science sample paper


Praise be to Allah . Prayers and peace always tercurahkan to the Prophet . Thanks to the abundance of His grace and compilers capable of completing the task of this paper is to fulfill a school assignment Islamic Education subject .

Religion as a belief system in human life can be assessed through a variety of viewpoints . Islam as a religion that has evolved over fourteen centuries save a lot of issues that need to be investigated , whether it concerns the teaching and religious thought and social realities , politics , economics and culture .

In the preparation of the task or the material , not a few obstacles that writers face . However, the authors recognize that fluency in the preparation of this material no other thanks to the help , encouragement , and guidance of parents , so that the obstacles facing writers resolved .

The paper is organized so that the reader can expand knowledge about the relevance Work Ethics and the Japanese Nation of Islam , which we present is based on observations from a variety of sources of information , references , and news . This paper collated by the authors with a variety of obstacles . Whether it will come from authors or from the outside . But with patience and the help of God , especially the end of this paper can be resolved .

Hopefully, this paper can provide greater insight and contributed ideas to the readers especially the students of SMK Winongan . We are aware that this paper is still a lot of flaws and is far from perfect . To that end , we ask the supervising teacher input for the improvement of our paper manufacture in the future and expect criticism and suggestions from readers .
Winongan , December 2, 2013
table of contents
table of contents
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1
A. Background ........................................................................... 1
B. Purpose .................................................................................... 1

A. Pre - Ancient Greek era ........................................................................... 2
B. Ancient Greece ................................................................................ 3
C. Modern Age ....................................................................................... 3
D. Period Konteporer .................................................................................... 4

A. Background problem .
Science begins with curiosity , which is a human characteristic . Humans have a curiosity about the surrounding objects , like the moon , stars, and sun . Even want to know about himself .
Science is a search for meaning and practical , which can be exploited explanation . This explanation has been the basis of human knowledge from pre - history to the early 20th century .
The science of the 20th century has changed everything , such progress has actually occurred in previous periods . One of them occurred about 2500 BC , when the " Stonehenge in England '' established '' and '' Pyramid was built in Egypt . The second monument brings together astronomical and religious ideas that sophistication is not fully known until this century . In-depth investigation of Stonehenge and the pyramids reveal a surprising mathematical knowledge . People who build this monument has been understood both practical terms the simplest of the relationship between the two sides of the upright with the hypotenuse of a right triangle that certain Siki . In other words they have a basic understanding of what we know as Pythagorean postulate about 2000 years before Pythagoras was born .
Historical development of science were also expressed about the role of the Islamic world in it . Around the 7th century AD at the time of the Umayyads , the Islamic find ways astronomical observations . Later in the year 825 AD M. Al-Khwarizmi algebra has compiled a book that became a standard book several centuries in Europe .
Of some description , it appeared that the development of science and technology do not appear by itself . Therefore , we as humans are always hungry for knowledge must know in detail the historical development of science over time .
B. purpose
1 . Knowing clearly the development of the science of ancient Greece kono , until modern times .
2 . Fulfill the task that is given by the subject teachers of Islamic religious education .
A. Pre - Period of Ancient Greece
At this age , are generally divided into three phases .
1 . Old stone age lasted 4 million years BC to BC 20.000/10.000 year . At this age have had some distinctive characteristics , among which are the use of simple tools made ​​of stone and bone , know bercocock planting and herding, and in everyday life based on the primitive observations .
2 . Younger Stone Age which lasted from 10,000 BC to 2000 BC or 100 to 20 century BC . In this era has developed capabilities that are very significant . The ability of writing ( with pictures and symbols ) , the ability to read ( originated from certain sounds or syllables ) , and the ability to count. In this day and age are also growing problems astrology , mathematics , and law .
3 . The Age of Metal . This era lasted from the 20th century BC to the 6th century BC . At this time the use of metal as a day-to- day equipment , and even as jewelry , cookware , appliances or even war .
B. Ancient Greece
This era lasted from the 6th century AD until about the 6th century AD The use of the attitude era '' aninquiring attitude ( an attitude that pleased critically investigate something ) '' , and did not receive experience based on the attitude of mind '' receptve attitude ( attitude accept that much anyway) '' . So at this age philosophy flourished . Greece reached its peak or golden age ( age of Hellenism ) under the leadership of Alexander the Great ( 356-323 BC ) of Macedonia , who was a disciple of Aristotle .
In the 0th century AD , the development of science began to be endorsed . This is due to the birth of Christianity . In the first century until the 2nd century AD began the development of science is no zoning . The first region centered on Athens , which is focused in the field of intellectual ability . Whereas the second region centered in Alexandria , which fukos on empirical field .
E. modern times
This era began in the 14th century AD This era is also known as rationalism growing period in modern times because of the emergence of a wide range of scientific discovery .
People who became a pioneer in this period is Rene Decrates , Isaac Newton , Charles Darwin , and JJ . Thompson. More details as follows :
1 . Isaac Newton ( 1643 AD - 1727) , was a physicist , mathematician , astronomer , natural philosopher , alchemist , and theologian . He was in katakana as '' Mr. '' classical physics . His work , entitled Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica describes the law of gravitation and the three laws of motion which dominated the scientific view of the universe during these three centuries .
2 . Rene Descartes ( 1596 AD - 1650 AD ) , he was known as Renatus Cartesian , is a French philosopher and mathematician . Descartes sometimes on call '' Modern Inventors philosophy '' and '' Father of modern mathematics '' . Their thinking is that using the revolution is everything nonexistent '' definite , except for the fact that someone thought '' .
3 . Charles Robert Darwin ( 1809 AD - 1882 AD) was a naturalist whose revolutionary theory laid the foundation for modern evolutionary theory and the principle of the same lineage (Common Descent ) by proposing natural selection as a mechanism. His theory is most shocking is '' Nenenk Human Ape Ancestors '' .
4 . Joseph John Thompson ( 1856 AD - 1940 AD ) is a scientist with the research that led to discovery of electrons . Thompson revealed that the gas is able to conduct electricity . He became a pioneer of nuclear physics . He also invented a method to separate the types of atoms and molecules of different light by using a positive light .
F. Contemporary Period
This period starts from the 20th century AD and most of the applications of science and technology in the 21st century is the result of the latest findings in this era . Physics into tiitk development of science during this period . It is in sebabakan because the physics point of view as a basic science subject material containing fundamental elements that make up the universe .
Known figure of this period was Albert Einstein ( 1879 AD - 1955 AD ) , he is a scientist Physics . He put forward the theory of relativity . Since the year 1905 AD until 1917 AD , when he published his revolutionary writings on the theory of relativity , the view of the world of mankind and the universe was changed forever , the last stage of the modern era has been born , and the horizon was shifted . There's more great scientists who have other ideas , such as Linus Pauling , James D. Watson , Miller Urey , Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heinsenberg , Edwin Hubble , Alfred Wegener .
A. conclusion
Historical development of science stems from the pre -historic era or can say '' Stone Age '' . At that time science was limited curiosity about the natural surroundings . However periodization science theorists are always referring to the Greek civilization .
Periodization of the development of the science of ancient Greek pre - divided into 3 Old Stone Age , New Stone Age and the Age of Metal .
Philosophy of ancient Greece is age , because at this age philosophers use Aninquiring attitude '' Attitude '' and do not receive experience based on Receptive attitude '' attitude '' . And in this day and age a lot of pop -known philosophers such as Thales , Pythagoras , Socrates , Democritus , Plato , and Aristotle .
Medieval period is the time of rapid progress for the Islamic religion , which many scientists sprung - theologians of Islam from Islamic theologians such as Al - Farabi , Al - Khwarizmi , Al - Kindi , Al - Ghazali , Ibn Shina , Ibn Rusdy , Ibn Khaldun , Jabir Ibn Hayyan , Al - razi , etc. .
Rennaisance era is the rise of the philosophers who think freely without the influence of religion . Figures - the famous characters such as Nicolaus Copernicus , Galilio Galilei , Johannes Kepler , and Bacon Frasisco .
Modern times is known as the period of the growing rationalism since the emergence of the modern era, science developed. People who became a pioneer in this period is Rene Decrates , Isaac Newton , Charles Darwin , and JJ Thomson.
Contemporary times is the time of the advancement of science , where the physics becomes the focal point of its development. A very popular figure in this period was Albert Eintein who proposed the theory of relativity .
B. suggestion
The suggestion that we can say is :
1 . We should have as many prospective educators should know about the history of the development of science , and anyone inventor who was instrumental in this life .
2 . As Muslims , we must know that it is instrumental in the development of science today is not only the West , but people from the east - the middle too much .
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