A. Background and Issues
Malang is a city that is rich in tourist attractions . In the city there are many tourist places , tourist places good science , leisure travel , and shopping . In order to remove saturation after 1 week face Deuteronomy increase in class , SMP N 1 PITY organized a Study Tour to the city of Malang . Study Tour is not followed by all students of class VIII .
The visit was carried out at an early date 2012.Adapun July we visited the tourist attractions , namely Java Park 1 , Selecta and Batu Night Spectacular and shopping at Market Pandaan and much more . In addition, the Study Tour events is intended to add insight and knowledge and experience to all the advances in science and sports arenas .
B. destination
The purpose of this activity is as follows :
1 . Adding insight on some of the tourist attractions of science and leisure travel in the city of Malang
2 . Adding to the experience of the students holding Study Tour .
A. implementation committee
Study Tour Committee for the implementation of SMP N 1 PITY namely :
a. Mr. Principal
b . teacher
c . committee
B. Participants and Trustees
Participants who followed the Study Tour consists of students and guided by teachers .
C. time
Executed on :
Day : Tuesday
Date : beginning in July
Hours : 7:00 pm
D. object
a. Java Park 1
b . Batu Night Spectacular
c . Selecta
d . Pandaan market Malang
E. cost
Cost to attend the Study Tour of Rp . 400,000 / org
F. Travel and results of activities
Before we left , we got together and first briefed by the Head of School . Then we enter the droves bus , while on the road , we fill spare time by listening to music , borrowing mobile phone or eating snacks that we had brought from home . We really enjoyed our trip , as we journey along the breathtaking view of the beautiful but not beautiful little really does actually . Around 22:00 we stopped at a gas station to rest and pee / big or doing first before boarding the bus in order to avoid any chatter on the bus . And some are taking pictures there . After that , we went on the trip ,
Once completed Resting in POM gasoline , we continued our journey to a place Resting in Malang , and we finally arrived at the inn but unfortunately we were riding the bus coming late because the driver - leda lede , we immediately took our luggage there in the bus . Then , we bath at TSB . After that , around 07.00 , we eat breakfast first at a Restaurant old school . Once full , we boarded the bus to visit tourist spots JATIM PARK 1 .
1 Java Park is a place of recreation and parks to learn that there is in Batu , East Java . This tourist attraction is located approximately 20 miles west of Malang , and has now become one of the tourist icon of East Java . This tourist attraction has 36 rides , including a giant swimming pool ( with a background of the statue of Ken Dedes , Ken Arok , and Gandring MPU ) , spinning coaster , and the drop zone . Educational rides into the limelight include Volcano and Gallery archipelago that also contained agro plants , rare animal dioramas and miniature temples .
In jatim park 1 we got a lot of insight because it contains a lot of educational value , after which we had lunch at a Restaurant old school again and continue the journey to Malang Pandaan market , we shopped there because our taste is not the wholesale , baseball another kayak kayak wholesale materials haha ... to bring food paketan cardboard . After that we visited the sights Selecta is to play around .
Selecta recreational park located in the village of Tulungrejo , Batu , East Java . The park is surrounded Mt.Arjuno , Welirang and Anjasmoro , can temuh within 1 hour from the city of Malang . After that we went on a trip to BNS ( Batu Night Spectacular ) there no free rides ( free ) unlike in Java Park 1 is completely free kcuali food haha ... this is where our last tour .
BNS is a family recreation and amusement rides at night are very attractive served in Batu , East Java . Exotic panorama of mountains , where games and rides like a hobby garden lanterns , ghost hunting , game arena until 4 dimensional cinema . Batu Night Spectacular ( BNS ) are very recreational, exclusive and spectacular . " All recreational rides and games for the people we serve intentionally in order to complement the beauty of the evening in an increasingly fascinating , " said Hary Cahyono breed Budex 's Director of Operations of PT Mutiara Indah Sejahtera , owner and manager of BNS .
facilities :
food Court
Stand miscellaneous goods
Dancing fountain show very spectacular
Live music
Performing cinema 4 dimensions : spectacular film displayed on a screen with a width of approximately 60 meters
Air bike , where visitors have to ride my bike on a track that has the highest point of about 12-13 meters from the ground
Karting race arena
Homes lanterns : Most cool place for foto2
Haunted house / Gallery Ghost : Visitors walk through the dark and winding to get a lot of surprises in it
Ghost Train : petulangan unique horror , where visitors will be brought into the dark alleys and the train ride is required to shoot the ghosts who roam a lot and try to scare
Cafe Ghosts
Children's entertainment arena with a variety of games are quite fun
Coaster : where the stomach will be shaken with the air and rotated in all directions Crots

Once we were satisfied to play ( actually Keith satisfied ) we then went up the bus for a trip to the old school Restaurant for dinner , after we were full we went back to the bus to return home with unforgettable experience .
A. conclusion
Of writing this report , the authors conclude that the tourist objects in Indonesia range ragam.Sebagai good citizens , it is appropriate that we are keeping it sustainable and domestic and foreign tourists feel at home in Indonesia.Sehingga bias improves the State 's foreign exchange .
B. suggestion
Drafting with all the limitations that exist , be aware that this report is still very far from sempurna.Oleh therefore , constructive criticism and suggestions highly appreciated .
Finally, the authors hope , hopefully useful to readers of this report


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